Saturday, January 14, 2006
Aaaaaaah, the weekend!
and a long one at that!

I image this is my last homework free weekend for a while and I’m going to take full advantage of it.

I’ve spent most of the morning catching up on things that don’t get done during the week like vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, laundering…exciting stuff!  It’s going to take a very long time for me to get used to having to do this on the weekend.  I miss my ½ days at work because of this.

I’m now finished with my 2nd week at work.  It went by really quickly.  I can remember my alarm going off on Monday morning and thinking that I couldn’t believe how fast the weekend had gone by.

There were a couple of days when I thought to myself “I get paid for doing this!”  I was without my “trainer” for 2 days and did pretty well.  One of those days we had a deposition going on all day long and there was literally nothing for me to do, so I got to surf the Internet.  I felt a little strange doing it, but when I spoke to the paralegal that works there he said that as long as I was at my desk managing the office, there was no problem.  If I had my work done, I had my work done.  I guess the old LOM had several days a month that she was work free.   Every time Boss came out of the deposition for whatever reason I asked him if there was something that needed “managing” and after about the 4th time he walked out and immediately said “no” before I even had a chance to ask!  LOL

We hired a law student and he started yesterday so after I spent the morning briefing 3 appellate briefs, I got his payroll stuff set up, and started showing him how things are done around the office.  I know he won’t remember any of it come Wednesday (he works Mon, Wed and Fri) but I warned him.  The shocker to me is that he’s starting his junior year and didn’t know what pleadings or discovery were.  What are they teaching people in pre-law these days?  Yikes!  

A few weeks from now, after he’s settled in we’ll hire another one to work Tue and Thur and I’ll be training that person as well.  Then we’ll probably be hiring another paralegal to support both of them.  I may ask for the work in the beginning if things continue to be really slow at my desk.

I’m hoping we’re going to the movies a couple of times this weekend.  We’re trying to catch up since we didn’t get to go over the holidays.  I think we may be seeing King Kong but I don’t know what else is playing.

Still not much stitching getting done.  I’m starting over on The Token this afternoon and will post a progress picture later.

Right this very second I’m in the process of burning a Josh Groban CD from my iTunes account.  That man’s voice brings tears to my eyes, it’s so beautiful.
posted by Terri at 12:50 PM |