Sunday, July 31, 2005
What a busy weekend I've had!
Friday morning I picked up *Gypsy* C from the airport. She sort of ran away from home and came to stay with me for a couple of days. We went to Eleanor Burns' Quilt in a Day quilt shop on the way back from the airport and I found some beautiful fabrics that I'm dying to turn into a miniature fat-quarter quilt. After that I took her for mexican food. She needed a "fix" real bad :) After another quicky stop we headed to my house. We had decided to grill carne asada and do margaritas for dinner, so I ended up going back to the grocery store for tortillas and then we pigged out. After clearing dinner I started cooking for Saturday.

Saturday I had a stitcher's get together. I was expecting 10 people and 8 showed up. I had so much fun! I served BBQ Brisket, pasta salad, slaw, carrot cake, and Hawaiian cake. There was a wonderful white chocolate snack mix, chocolate cake, M&Ms, cheese tray and veggie tray added to that. Several people brought stash to trade and there were tons of show and tells. I had asked people to show up at 1:30 and by 2:30 everyone was there (the good old California traffic held some of them up). I can only say that everyone must have had as much fun as I did since they stayed until 9:30 p.m.!!! We talked about so many different things and I can say I would love to consider each and everyone of them a friend. I cannot wait to do it again!

Another thing that was wonderful about the get together is that it's renewed my love of stitching. I have been rather busy with school and had been thinking in the back of my mind of just giving it all up for awhile. Now that I've socialized with others who find as much join in stitching as I do, I know this would not be good for my *soul.* Stitching is so much part of who I am, that I would be giving up a part of myself if I let it go. I guess I just need to work a little more on finding time for it.

This morning I pulled a couple of already framed items and some need to be framed items out and have asked Husband to start creating a cross-stitch wall for me in my bedroom. I've already chosen the next item I'm getting framed and will take care of that in the next couple of weeks.

This morning C left bright and early to go to the SD Zoo. Her mom was flying in this afternoon and she's going to spend a few days with her before flying back home. I know she was looking forward to the time with her mom and I hope they both have a great time. I'm so happy she was able to come and visit and if she reads this I hope that what made her run away from home works its way out to whatever is best for her. I also hope she starts stitching and quilting again.

Another friend T was supposed to show up this afternoon with her kids. We were stationed at Okinawa Japan together and I'm so disappointed that things did not work out for her to make it here. So today I did some grocery shopping, gave Bandit his bath, washed one load of dishtowels and have actually stitched. It's been rather warm here so it's nice that I could just sit around for a change. I have no homework due, the housework is pretty much done and I'm looking forward to a lazy morning tomorrow as well.

I've joined in the Stitching Bloggers Exchange, and am even moderating one of the forums. I am so looking forward to getting to know another group of stitchers better. The lady who runs the BB is someone I *knew* several years ago and I'm so happy to be back in contact with her.
posted by Terri at 7:26 PM |