Monday, October 04, 2004
Today I'm staying on track!
I got up early and am now almost 100% ready for tonight's class. I have a couple of Codes I need to verify at work with the boss before I can complete my homework and after I get my few have-to-dos done at work, I'll finish up.

I managed to wash and dry one load of laundry yesterday and it's sitting the clothes basket waiting on me to unwrinkle it and get it folded and put away. As for stitching all that happened yesterday was it traveled from my room into the living area and stared at me all afternoon. But, I make homemade enchiladas and a pineapple upside down cake, so that's got to count for something, right?

Now I have to catch up with the laundry and stitching, and I'm behind in my plans to get my office 100% organized.

I'm such a list person that I'm almost tempted to make myself a daily checklist for home so I stay on track! Okay so I'm very tempted.

We preordered Prizoner of Azkaban and the extended version of Return of the King yesterday :) I'll be a happy movie camper in November and December.

We also discussed what to get Son for his 20th. We're just about agreed on his own computer. He was using one of Husband's old laptops but it has so little memory compared to what's currently available so he started using Husband's CPU for his gaming and typing, etc. He really needs his own if he's going to continue taking the sort of classes he's been taking. Except for his algebra he's had some essay intensive courses.

This also helps us with what to get him for Christmas. He already has a nice desk, so we'll probably get him a nice computer chair and a printer for Christmas on top of a few other things. I'm hoping he'll be appreciative. It's hard buying for him 'cause I still feel like we need to be buying him 'toys.'

Am being very tempted by several designs in the Needlearts catalog I received this weekend. Must be strong! Must be strong!

Question of the Week

Thread organization: plastic bobbins, yes or no? How do you organize your threads?

Just talking DMC - not any more to bobbins. I have tried many thread organization methods in the almost 25 years I've been stitching and have finally settled on using snack sized Ziplock baggies.

I started out using extra thick cardboard pieces that were given to me by the lady that taught me to stitch. They had a regular size hold punched in one end for a metal ring and a 1/2 inch hole in the other end for the thread to be looped through, then braided. I still have some of that thread, but it's been unbraided, taken off the cardboard and put in baggies.

Next came the bobbins. Cardboard and plastic ones. I can remember sitting for hours winding those suckers and placing them nice and neatly in the little bobbin holding boxes then watching in amazement as my cat or 2 year old Son sent the whole thing flying through the air in 3 seconds. I used this method for many years though and still have a couple of the plastic boxes being used for something else.

Next up, floss-away baggies. These were perfect! I could put the old braided stuff in them, the bobbins in them and put them on the rings I still had left over from the braided days. This was when I began buying floss of each project I was working on. We were living in Okinawa Japan at the time though and I had to mail order them. This probably wouldn't have been much of a problem except the things were so thin that I'd rip them trying to open them up. Much tossing of plastic baggies happened during those days.

Then I discovered snack size Ziplocks when I was home in Louisiana visiting my parents. I bought 10 boxes and shipped them back to Japan. I bought a cheapy soldering iron and poked holes in them so they's stay on my rings. Next I bought 2 plastic Rubbermaid boxes that had hinged lids, some rubber shelving liner and some index cards. I put the shelving liner in the bottom of the box, cut some cardboard to create rows and started organizing. I wrote every single DMC number on an index card and put the card and floss in a baggie and put them in the box. The index card kept the baggie from folding over and the rubber matting kept the baggies from sliding down.

I pretty much use the same organization method today, but I've gone from 2 large plastic containers to smaller shoebox sized ones and I no longer use the shelving liner. I did try using a generic snack size bag, but they weren't as user friendly when it came to making the holes. I still have some of my floss on bobbins in those baggies, but as the floss is used up, the bobbin is tossed in the trash.
posted by Terri at 7:17 AM |