Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Still clammy after all this time
Yuk! I am a princess when it comes to sweating. If it makes me sweat I don't do it which explains my fluffiness! LOL I'm sweating and clammy and sticking to myself from whatever bug this is I have and I can't stand it! Yuk! And I'm still achey in a couple of places, but functional. I do feel better.

I have found a new BB that seems full of fun and very talented stitchers. I followed a link from one of the new members of TSL BB and found myself at Stitcher's Haven. There are many familiar faces from other BBs I read and I've had a good time reading the forums and looking at their stitching. I have already been adopted (I volunteered to moderate one of the forums) and nicknamed. Someone from there has read my blog from a couple of days ago and surprised me with "Call me Cruella!" :)

Tons of catching up to do today before I go to work. I did not go yesterday and spent the day sleeping, surfing, and watching Angel. Today I have housework to catch up on. I've already unloaded and loaded the dishwasher and have that going; folded the load of kitchen towels and rags and have a load in the dryer and washer and it's just 7 a.m. After I catch up on the
BBs I'll be stitching.

Did I mention I'm sweating--yuk!

And I almost forgot. Taneya's baby girl will be born today! Yay!
posted by Terri at 7:02 AM |