Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Let's Talk Politics
I grew up in a house that talked about political issues, but my parents never told one another who they actually voted for. My husband and I have some wonderful and sometimes heated discussions about political issues but I can never remember telling him once, in the 23 years we’ve been married, who I actually ended up voting for. There are issues that are very important to me and I’ve been keeping track over how those issues have been handled in the past and how they’ll be handled in the future and that’s how I’m casting my vote. I don’t vote party, I vote politician. I’ll vote for the candidate that agrees with my views on abortion rights, immigration, national defense, taxes and many other issues, not the candidate who thinks I should agree with his views. I am the one doing the voting.

But what I really want to talk about? I want to talk about the person you have turned into and how sick and tired I am of the way you’re acting!

Why is it that what you think is the only way to think? How did you become an expert in the field of politics? Did you hold a political office I’m not away of. You’ve bragged about everything else you’ve done in your life, how is it that this one field of expertise hasn’t been touched upon? And while we’re at it, I don’t need for you to make a list for me, or to repeat the same thing over and over and over. I heard you the first time. Why is the place I get my news from the wrong place? What makes yours better? I can find as many links on the www as the next person. Why do you name call? And everything is not about Y O U! Is your conscience so guilty that you think someone is talking about you because they asked a question? And this is probably going to be considered the pot calling the kettle black, but why do you attack everything with you, you, you.

I don’t know who you are anymore, but you’re someone I certainly don’t want to be around, nor do I want anyone to know that I’m even remotely related to you. It’s like the inner-bitch in you is busting out all over. Or perhaps that’s the way you really are and you’ve just had me fooled all along.

What will happen when the elections are over? Will you just return to your old sweet self and think I’ll forget the venom you spewed before November 2? And before you try to convince me I cannot “read” emotion in the typewritten word, you are wrong. I can read the emotion you’re putting out. You’re confrontational and abrasive. I see you on several different forums and I am intelligent enough to figure out where you stand.

And yes, this time I am talking about you. I don’t care that you’re an attorney, beautician, cashier, data processor, engineer, farmer, grandmother, homeschooler, intern, judge, knitter, librarian, mother, nurse, Oscar winner, pianist, quitter, real estate broker, stay at home mom, teacher, unemployed, vet, whatever. That is just your superficial self and you’ve proven who you really are. I want nothing more to do with you.

And no, I haven’t lost my mind. I’ve just been thinking. A lot.
posted by Terri at 8:07 PM |