Sunday, August 29, 2004
All I want is a damn grilled cheese sandwich!

Aaaaargh! This is ANOTHER rant about my son. I'm tired and I'm venting.

I had a horrible week, and it's my own fault for not saying NO when asked to stay on at the bookstore to help out during rush. I did call on Tuesday and tell them there was no way I could work after this week, and they hounded me the whole time I was there to PLEASE work the next two weeks. I did stick to my guns and say NO tho. I was tired and was weak and almost gave in once. I have learned I'm no longer super woman, and it's rather disappointing. Thank goodness I have Husband who has done the majority of the housework this week. All that needs to be done is laundry, and that's going right now. I know it'll take me a couple of weeks to get my routine set, and I desperately need to get to exercising again, because I feel like crap.

This school term I'll only have Sunday as a free day and I'll have to be doing some homework on Sunday :( I have 1/2 a day work only on Wednesday and Friday, so I'll probably start doing laundry on those days so I won't have much on Sunday, but I'll still have to do the grocery shopping on Sunday...which leads me to my rant about Son.

I am pissed off right now, so much so that I said "I don't F*c*ing believe it!" when I opened the fridge. Husband is standing there going "what?" and when I said "There's no f*c*ing cheese, he immediately starts heading out of the kitchen while firmly stating "It wasn't me." I know this of course.

I just got home from the grocery store and couldn't wait to get the groceries put up so I could make myself some cream of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. There's no sliced cheese for sandwiches! I just bought a huge package of it last week, and knowing this didn't even think to look to see if there was any left, and naturally it wasn't on the grocery list.

I'm a list person...if it's not only the list I won't buy it (except for a few things that we buy every single week). I have said it until I'm blue in the face, if it's not on the list I'm not going to buy it. I thought Son had this figured out after my not buying him anything for lunch for work or any sodas, etc., for 2 weeks because he didn't write anything down. He knows we do groceries every single Sunday morning.

Friday, Son didn't work or have class and he took off with some friends for some music festival thingy in San Diego. Now, I knew he was planning on going to San Diego, but I didn't know he planned on staying the night on Friday night. So when Saturday morning rolled around I was a teensy upset that he calls me and says he's on his way home to shower and to eat, sorry I didn't tell you I was staying the night, I thought you understood that, etc. After he told me he was going back to SD, and yes he'd be gone all night, I told him to be home some time in the afternoon where the 3 of us could sit down for a family meeting. We have family meetings everynow and again to get our schedules talked out, etc.

I get home from class yesterday and am informed by Husband that Son brought half of San Diego home with him and they all had eggs, showered, etc. No big deal to me, since I wasn't here, and I'm sure he just brought home people we've met. Husband is upset because the dishes didn't get done after the kitchen was invaded (remember Husband is doing most of the housework).

I go to put laundry on this morning and there's a load in the wash that Son put on and then just left. This is a pet peeve of mine. If you're going to do laundry, stay with it until it's at least in the dryer, please. My washer is getting old and tends to leave rust spots occasionally. Not to mention when Son does this, he usually crams so many clothes into the washer that I can't imagine how they're getting clean, and I'm worried he's going to break the machine. And when I want to do laundry I want to do it then...not an hour from now when Son's laundry is finished. He's home more than it during the week!

But I digress.

My grilled cheese sandwich, which I am not eating right now. No cheese. They used it all when they made they ate almost 2 dozen eggs and used a 'nother pound of cheddar!

#1 on my list of things to talk about at the family meeting tonight.

Now, back to my normally ladylike ways.
posted by Terri at 11:48 AM |