Saturday, August 21, 2004
I think I'm going to love my new job....

especially since the person I'm replacing is leaving. I know that sounds awful..BUT! I know her, so I don't feel too badly thinking this about an employee at a new position. I felt like everything I was being told by the senior paralegal was being contradicted by her. The SP finally told her to quit telling me all that stuff since it was my first day, I was obviously on information overload, and I wouldn't be dealing with most of what she was telling me anyway. And I swear if she had said "oh, you're going to love this client because" one more time, I was going to run screaming from the building. Not a single one of the clients I was "going to love" had a positive thing said about them. Aaaargh! I only got 1 hour cross over training with the morning person, but was told that next week all I'm to concentrate on is the phones, filing and working with the current/potential client listings. Oh, and I'm to rummage through all the files on the desk to see what's going on. By the end of the day I was an expert on the phones. Since I truly knew nothing about anyone, I could honestly say "let me check on that for you" and put the caller on hold! LOL

Oh and first thing yesterday morning I had my eye dr appt and other than my eyes being a bit dry (gotta remember to put in my drops) and being told to use reading glasses (.75) while stitching, I'm in great shape and don't have to go back until December. Husband also found out he's a candidate for the surgery and wants to have it done at the end of October.

Now, to blogging....can someone please tell me what has happened to my Blogrolling links? :( I miss seeing them there and can't check up on everybody.

Today is full of nothingness. Going to get a nail fixed, Husband will get his weekly haircut and I'll probably do laundry and stitch some today. I worked a lot on my new web page yesterday and this morning. A long way to go, but it's getting there.

Tomorrow is going to have a fun filled evening.
posted by Terri at 9:19 AM |