Saturday, January 08, 2005
A second stitching happy dance (and a 3rd!)
Woohoo me! I finished the stitching portion of Delivering Summer by Homespun Elegance. I'm waiting on the star that goes in the blue of the flag and the wooden button 'wheels.' Once those are attached I'll post an updated picture.

We still have water. I'm beginning to wonder if they're going to turn it off! I'm dressed in my sloppies, watching the last 3 Star Wars DVDs with DH and stitching. Wonderful way to spend a Saturday, if you ask me. I think we'll just snack for lunch today since we still have tons of Christmas gift food and maybe a salad again for dinner tonight. No muss, no fuss, and very little to clean up.

Tonight it's the SD Chargers' football game. Goooooooo Bolts.

12:25 p.m.

I just finished Louisiana by Oberlin Samplers. I'm almost ashamed to admit that it took me a whole 15 minutes to finish stitching on it, all because I couldn't find a small enough fish hook to finish it off.

I made a few changes to the design: I changed the color of the letters from the recommended green to a color that matches Tobasco sauce; added wisper fiber to the cotton boll; added blending filament to the mardi gras mask; and added a real hook to the end of the fishing line, instead of a stitched one. This design will eventually be framed for Husband.
posted by Terri at 10:44 AM |