Monday, January 10, 2005
I may have cabin fever
and I may be stitched out!

It's 7:30 a.m. and it's still raining. The weather folks say we have to put up with this until Tuesday and then Wednesday through Saturday we can expect to see the sun and perhaps 70 degree temperatures.

I stitched for almost 5 1/2 hours yesterday and I felt restless almost the whole time. I hardly watched any football because it made me nervous feeling. I made it through the 2nd disk of LOTR instead.

24 premiered last night with a special 2 hour showing. I stitched through the first hour and wandered through the second. Another special 2 hour showing is tonight. I like 24, and this new season looks interesting, but 4 hours in 2 days is a bit much for my cabin fever'd self.

The rain has been so bad that we have road closures on the base and Husband cannot get to work right now. He's going to try to go in at noon. Son went into the mountains yesterday and came in after we'd gone to bed so I have no idea what the weather was like where he was, but I expect he saw a lot of the white stuff coming down.

Enough already!

Tonight, after work, I'm supposed to get my textbooks for next term, which starts next week.
posted by Terri at 7:26 AM |