Monday, January 10, 2005
Getting "lean"
After much thought, a lot of waffling, and just a little headache, I've decided to delete a bunch of the blogs out of my blogrolling. I just don't have the time to hunt and see if blogs have been updated when the blog owners are not pinging their blogs. This goes along with my posting on fewer BBs. My time is precious, as is other people's, and this is just one of those tough decisions I've had to make. So, if you're someone who was listed in my blog list, the ONLY reason you're no longer there is there's no automatic notification that you've updated your blog and I don't have time to check it OR you haven't posted in your blog in forever, and same thing, I don't have time to keep checking back.

It's still raining and we're all over the news, local and national. It's unbelieveable the amount of rain we've had. Husband has been home all day because the road to his work has partially washed away and is considered an unsafe fareway. We're expecting more torrential rain between 10:00 and midnight tonight.

I got quite a bit of beading done on Spring Queen this morning. I've finished her left sleeve, and her sash down to her waist and am about half way through beading the bouquet. I have not quite 2 hours left on her rotation and am hoping to have a progress picture by Thursday.

I started using my handi-clamp rods on her. It's taking some getting used to. They're too big and I need some 18" ones to make it easier to use them, but I know projects this large need hand-clamp type rods in order to not damage the beading. I have some regular scroll rods, but I HATE stitching the fabric to them. I need to put them up for sale.
posted by Terri at 6:35 PM |