Monday, November 01, 2004
It's the 3rd week.
First, the SQOTW.

What would you do if stitching was banished by law?

Probably have to spend a lot of money on therapy!

I know how to quilt, and have quite a stash for quilting too, so I'd probably just concentrate on that. And I've always wanted to learn to crochet and knit!

Perish the thought of it ever happening! Yikes!

I decided to keep stitching on Dream Lovers instead of putting it aside and going back to my WBRR beastie. I'm 5 hours into my 10 hour slot and am enjoying working on it. So, no progress photo until the full 10 hours is up.

Clarification on my stash purchase. I ordered it online so don't have it in my hot little hands yet. I won't be starting any of it as soon as it arrives, but one item will go on my StRIP list since I did purchase the fibers for it and already had the fabric (not Archangel or Phoenix).

Supposedly the promotion board takes 3 weeks to make a decision and publish the list. This is the 3rd week. We know they've reviewed DH since someone from the Board called him and requested he fax to them a copy of an award he received that was listed in his record book on the overview, but the warrant was missing.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of dishonest people out there who list awards they've never received so copies of the warrants are required as proof. Normally you'd have to send off for copies (to Quantico, VA), but DH keeps great records because he knows things disappear, and he has his own copy to provide them.

So now I'm stressing. I still don't know what I want. I think I want him to get promoted and stay in. What I really want is for us to stay here a couple more years so I can finish school and get more experience for my resume before having to move on. But I'll deal (I don't know how well) with whatever happens.
posted by Terri at 7:13 AM |