Sunday, October 24, 2004
Bits and pieces
Husband and I ended up running errands together yesterday when I got out of class so I didn't get to start Fair Moon until around 7:30 last night. But, I stayed up until almost midnight stitching on her. I haven't done that in ages! It's a little weird stitching on her. She's on 28 count, I normally stitch on 32. The stitches look huge! I'm paranoid, as usual, that the fabric won't be large enough. I started in the middle and am working on her mauve shawl. So far it looks great on the fabric. The photo I used was of a desert sunset when I requested the fabric.

I've updated my stitching column and removed the 3 completed projects and added in Fairy Moon. So I have my RR and current 6 projects for my rotation. I expect to finish up Louisiana soon. I found a wonderfully tiny fish hook yesterday.

However tempted I am I cannot sit and stitch all day today. I have homework that MUST get done for next week's classes. I will post a progress pic of FM this evening.
posted by Terri at 7:23 AM |