Tuesday, October 26, 2004
And in other stitching news
My RR piece arrived in the mail yesterday so that means no more Fairy Moon for awhile. I suppose I should take another progress photo of her before I pack her away. I have class this morning so I'll probably stitch tonight after work.

Mirabilia has posted her newest design on her website. IMO Archangel is a mix between her old and new styles and at first blush I like him. Looks like a lot of stitching though!

Netflix sent me an email reducing my fees. Because of this I may bump my membership up a notch. I had reduced it when I changed jobs but I've been so good with my budgeting I may reward myself this way. I've also completed my required intern hours and will talking to my boss about a raise sometime next week.

I thoroughly enjoyed lecture last night. We're discussing discovery and I find I'm really interested in it. Except for calendaring it seems like a piece of cake, but I hear calendaring is tough for everyone to remember. Perhaps I have the mind for asking questions, but I'd love to try my hand at some interrogs and see how I do.
posted by Terri at 7:01 AM |