Friday, April 28, 2006
Is it really finally Friday?
For some reason my schedule has been so off this week. I had the hardest time remembering what day of the week it was from Wednesday on. I’m so very glad Friday is finally here.

There’s GTG tomorrow that I’m not going to be able to attend. Husband knows this is bothering me so he’s taking me somewhere. I have no idea where, but I know it won’t be too terribly far from home. Of course that leaves open a lot of places to go! LOL I'm thinking we're headed out for breakfast and to the outlet mall since we've been talking about doing that for awhile and just haven't had a chance to go.

I have made a change to my countdown ticker. I have NOT given up on my trip to Paris next May, I just want to see the countdown to retirement for awhile.

I haven’t stitched for the past 2 nights. I don’t know why, just haven’t felt like it. I’m still tired when I get home in the evenings, but nothing like I was last week.

I almost did a huge no-no earlier this week. Husband and I went shopping Wednesday night for a suit for him. He’s been wanting to buy one for quite some time and since his grandmother hasn’t been doing very well (just got out of the hospital again) he feels he needs to stop wasting time in case he has a funeral to go to. Anyway we went to Macy’s, which is next to the pet store. I don’t go in there since it breaks my heart and I want to take them all home. Well....I went in. They had a mini-Bandit! Blue and white with the cutest markings! The right side of his face is masked just like my Bandit except his ear on that side is white. The left side he only has a blue circle around his eye and his ear is blue. He was only 4 months old and his nose is just going sharp and he’s got a little waist, but his chest hasn’t started to deepen yet. He had the same beautiful whiskey colored eyes and was giving me the attitude look just like Bandit does. Husband even started laughing, right before he pulled me out of there because he knew I was going to ask to hold him, and then it would have been all over folks. On the way home Husband kept chuckling and saying he couldn’t believe how he kept giving us the same look that Bandit does, out of the side of his eyes. I know Husband was smitten too. It was a close call and I cannot stop thinking about him. Bruiser would be a perfect name, with his blue eye and all! OMG I’m naming him! LOL

I want to finish my stitching journal and get started on the actual RR piece this weekend. I’m also going to be spending time in my office rearranging a couple of things. Husband moved my “retirement” boxes into the closet for me and now I have room to move some stuff around and get going on my “for sale” lists.

Oh, and I got flowers from Boss on Wednesday :)
posted by Terri at 10:29 AM |