Sunday, December 11, 2005
6 wonderful hours
That’s how many hours I stitched yesterday.  Almost straight through, too!  My company never showed, so I sat down at 1:00 and stitched through until 4:30.  Husband ended up not doing what he needed to do, so we ordered pizza.  After we ate, I stitched again until 10:00.  I watched the 2nd half of Fellowship of the Ring, the full Two Towers and almost the 1st half of Return of the King.  I was in stitching heaven.

I’m also in love with my Fairy Moon.  I should have switched projects on Wednesday since that’s when I completed 10 hours on her, but I’m enjoying her so much I’m going to stitch on her until I’m tired of her.  I hit 20 hours yesterday with my mini-marathon.  After we get back from grocery shopping I’m going to get some decorations out and then pick her back up.  I’ll post a picture of her this evening.

Bandit benefited from my stitching as well.  He’s been my shadow these past couple of day, so my sitting there for so long meant he stayed in one place as well.  His foot looks great this morning.  We even managed to get rid of the rest of the bandage.  This morning there’s no seepage or swelling and he’s only holding his foot up when he’s in a hurry.  If he had to do this to himself, I’m glad he did it Thursday, since I was able to be home with him for 3 days after.  Husband has quit calling him “tripod” so I’m feeling better too.
posted by Terri at 8:49 AM |