Monday, August 15, 2005
Monday morning mutterings
I didn’t pick up a needle this weekend! I had every intention of doing so, but time got away from me. I think another reason I didn’t stitch is that I’m working on my QQX and I was worried that the fiber I chose would not be appropriate because it had pink in it. I found out rather late in the day that another stitcher has yellow in her design, so I feel better about stitching on it again. I love to stitch early in the day since I make fewer mistakes that way and the longer the day got, the less I thought of stitching. I even let Bandit get away with not having a bath and pedicure today. But, I did spend the majority of the day going through my stash.

I managed to get completely through both boxes of stash and sorted it into definitely keep; maybe keep; definitely get rid of piles. It was like old home week and seeing some long lost friends. Of course some of those friends were so long lost that I’ve ordered them again! That is exactly why I started this reorganization and the Stash Reduction Implementation Plan. I have so much I can no longer remember what I have so I’m buying it again. Aaaargh!

I still have an almost 2 foot high stack of magazines to go through. Most of them are Cross Stitch & Country Crafts and Cross Stitch & Needlework.

I managed to put the hardback books; 6 magazine holders full of leaflets; 2 plastic shoe box containers full of small and half size leaflets and the plastic box that’s holding my kits onto the corner shelf. I have a ton of room left in that cabinet with thrills me to death, because the stuff isn’t staying there. It and my school books will go on another shelf (similar to the one I shared a few entries back) that holds all my fabric and DMC. So I’m going to get a display light to mount into the top of both the corner cabinets and use them to display some of the things I have collected over the years. I’m also going to have room to put my non-DMC fibers on rings and hang them up. My LNS is going to order for me the rings they use to display their fibers. Woohoo!

The downside (if there really is one) is that I came across two Moda Tin Box Samplers (Gatherings and Sweet Romance) and I’m hot to get back to quilting. The upside of those two boxes is they contain some absolutely beautiful fabrics and they’re great for matching up to some designs of smalls I have in my stash that I’ve been wondering what type of fabric to use to finish them off.

There’s just a few things left to do in here. My drawers came in that go under my bed. I need to get them assembled and installed. I need to install the keyboard holder under my desk. I need to clean out the 2nd half of my closet. After this room is finished I’ll start working on the dining table and decluttering my bedroom closet, then I should be finished with the house and it’ll probably be time to start all over again! LOL

As to my blog, I also did a bit of tweaking to my left sidebar. I broke my rotation down into slots just to see what I have going on. I also started a September Goals portion and put it in the very bottom of that column if anyone is interested in peaking into my future. Just playing around ;)

And last but not least, I'm thinking of going to CATS in Santa Clara.
posted by Terri at 7:04 AM |