Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Fabric Fondling and Foolishness
First thanks to all who posted here and by email about my new stash cabinet. I really do love it. I wasn't sure about the lighter color, but now that it's up I'm so happy I stuck with it because it makes my small room look so much larger.

The fabric fondling happened yesterday at Joann's. I fondled Shantung. It was everything I thought it would be and took all my willpower not to pull a bunch off the bold and wrap it around me! LOL I'm going back this weekend since they're having a sale and purchase several fat quarters in different colors. I want to incorporate it into my stitching. I also purchased some pearl head pins for a couple of needlepokes I have in mind to make. I also found some beautiful Japanese embroidered fabrics there in the most vivid red, black and gold. I'm going to have to use it, since I love the Japanese culture so much. There will probably be some pillow making in my future.

The foolishness, is really not foolish, but I have to question my sanity considering I feel like I'm always saying I don't have time for this or that. I have taken on the duty as administrator of the Shepherd's Bush BB. The current owner is unable to deal with the BB right now and I don't want it to disappear since I love the designs so much. My first two priorities are to get it back to gold status and to clean up what was left by the ezmess. As to the time issue, I've figure out that it's not that I don't have time, it's I don't have my priorities organized.

Speaking of which, I still have not heard back from my Professor Advisor, so I made a phonecall yesterday. Come to find out he's out of the country until the first day of Fall term. That doesn't do me a whole lot of good since I need to know about the two classes I'm challenging in order to firm up Fall term's schedule! As it stands if those classes are accepted I'll only be taking 2 classes this term. If they're not accepted I may be taking 3 or 4! I really only want to take 2 since one of them is Civil Liberties and we'll be picking the Constitution apart, line by line! A lot of reading, briefing cases and I already know I'll have a paper to present at the end of term, since the Civil Liberties professor is my current professor for Torts. This also greatly affects when my requirements will be completed for degree. Sigh.

Oh, and I almost forgot! I broke down and stitched for an hour and a half last night. I started my QQX project and I love the colors! When I get a bit more time, I'll explain why I picked the colors I did (or what they represent to me).
posted by Terri at 8:37 AM |