Saturday, March 12, 2005
Wonderful, glorious, stupendous Saturday!
It's over, over, over, over! Legal Writing is O.V.E.R.!!! I turned in my stuff this morning and feel sooooo much better about it.

Husband went with me to class this morning and waited in the car. I was chosen from my group to brief our case and felt pretty good that I was able to answer the questions the professor asked about our client. I waited not-so-patiently for the other groups to do theirs and then I was outta there.

I celebrated by taking my car and having it detailed. It is trashed since I've been neglecting it these past 2 months, but it's so pretty now, and I'm certain it'll rain tonight.

Next stop, Joann Fabric where I purchased 105 skeins of DMC at 6 for 96¢. There was supposed to be a 30 skein limit but nothing was said when I walked up with my pile. I purchased for a chart I have of Meteyard's "I'm half sick of shadows."

Then on to Wal-Mart where I purchased new pots for some houseplants and a new reem of paper since I used up my other one for Legal Writing and Husband grabbed some bug kill, grass seed and flower bed edging. We are going to work in the yard and in the house over spring break.

Now, I'm going to go stitch and relax, relax, relax!
posted by Terri at 1:15 PM |