Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Cross Stitch Charts
Today's "Stitching Blogger's Question," is:

Which do you prefer and why? "Old-fashioned" black and white symbol-only
charts, charts with colored blocks, or charts with a combination of colored
blocks and symbols?

I hate, dislike, abhor, get frustrated by and refuse to buy charts with color blocks. Which is a shame, since I really like Paula Vaghan's designs but since Leisure Arts puts them out, they're in color. I have almost every single PV design, which will be put up for sale on the Bay of Evil in the very near future.

No new news on Husband. He has a really big inspection today and tomorrow so I don't know if he's going to be worrying much about what's been going on...we'll see. Thank you all so much for your good luck wishes.
posted by Terri at 6:34 AM |