Monday, February 14, 2005
No hyperventilating, yet.
I spent the better part of yesterday getting myself organized for this coming week. I did make myself stitch some yesterday (what a stress reliever!) and since it helps me think while I do it, I think I have a plan to tackle all the research I have to get done.

My main problem is obtaining the secondary authorities required for my paper (due March). The boss has told me repeatedly that I'm more than welcome to research during down time, so I'm going to pull up my cases on Lexis and see what secondaries are referenced and take it from there. I don't want to (and probably can't afford to) pay for fee Lexis wants to download secondaries so I'll need to do it the old fashion way at the Library. At least this way I'll know what I'm going after when I get there and won't need to spend time "researching."

I also finished up the math, and downloaded the 2 Civ Lit cases that need briefing. Today I should be able to get the majority of my Complaint answered.

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day, to those who observe it.
posted by Terri at 7:39 AM |