Monday, October 24, 2005
Catsup and CATS
I’m dragging this morning big time. There’s so much on my mind and so many things to write about that I don’t know where to begin. I’m still not up to feeling 100% but I’m getting there! This weekend helped immensely.

I probably won’t be on the BBs much for the next week or so, because I have to catch up on several things, including the exchanges that I mentioned. I made a HUGE mistake on one and got the dates mixed up with another exchange and am now speed stitching to get it in the mail, then on to the next one.

The Stitching Festival in Santa Clara, where to begin?!?

There’s so much to tell, that I’ll do it by day, so the first entry will be very boring!

The flight up was great. No traffic to the airport, so I have plenty of time to go to the wrong terminal then have to backtrack to the commuters terminal. Still plenty of time to grab a quick bite for the trip and read about 2 chapters of my book. Which is a good thing since I only got to read it again in bits and pieces the rest of the weekend. I had a great seat up front, by myself, and the flight felt like it took all of 5 minutes since I fell asleep.

San Jose airport was easy to navigate, my suitcase was the 2nd one off and the doors to the parking garage were right there as well so I didn’t have to wander all over the place. The wandering one, who I recognized immediately, provided my ride and we had the motor-mouth disease all the way to my hotel! LOL She got me checked in and gave me a hug with a promise of a great tomorrow.

After I unpacked and read the hotel “rule” book, I wandered downstairs to find something to eat. I saw a lady stitching in the lobby, but she looked like she was waiting on someone so I didn’t stop to chat. I went to the restaurant where I was snobbily asked if I had a reservation (didn’t see that I needed one in the rule book) so went next door to the bar. I ordered a scotch and water without ice, got a strange look from the waiter and was brought a large glass of water without ice. He didn’t hear the scotch part, thus the strange look.

I looked up to see the lobby-stitcher standing in the doorway and asked her if she was alone. I invited her to share my table, and made my first new friend. We had a great time over dinner and I ran into her many, many times over the weekend. She is not familiar with stitching BBs and I gave her my email and told her I’d be happy to share several great ones with her.

Back up to my room, where I read in blessed silence for a couple of hours then went to bed to charge up for Friday morning’s 8:00 a.m. class.

To be continued….
posted by Terri at 7:31 AM |