Friday, October 24, 2003
I'm sick. Blech. I'm a whiney baby 'cause I have an earache. The one and only thing that knocks me to my knees. I even came home early from work yesterday because I'm sick. Yuk. I hate being sick! And if I have to be sick, why can't it be during the workweek?

I finished up my rotation on Peace. Now I'm hoping to finish my Drawn Thread Acorn Bellpull. I went to my LNS yesterday on the way home from work and showed them what I wanted for hardware. After I get the sides hemstitched I can measure and they'll order me the appropriate one. And while I was there I purchased another copy of Dimples Designs' La Epoque Nouveau, United We Stand, Song in my Heart Sampler, Welcome Friends, 1 Waterlilies, 2 NN Overdyed. and 1 Sampler Thread. Except for the Waterlilies the others I had ordered and it's been so long since I ordered them I don't remember what they were for! Hmmmmm. I think they're for a patriotic design I have, but I'll have to dig it out and see.

Tomorrow is a Welcome Home parade for the Marines of Camp one is happy about it. The wonderful city of Oceanside wanted to throw a welcome home parade. What they really want to do is line their streets with people hoping they'll shop in all the little stores to make up for all the lost sales while the Marines were away. They invited the Marines to march and said they'd feed them afterwards. They provide no transportation, so the Marine Corps is now stuck with paying out $150,000 to rent busses to transport 10,000 troops...and the feeding thing? They sent a bill to the base for the food. So, no feeding afterwards. It makes me furious! And if one person makes one snide remark even hinting they're not supporting our troops while I'm standing there waiting on my Marine and his troops to march by they'll find themselves nose to nose with one fat ticked off "dependent" wife. Perhaps I'd better leave my gun at home ::::snort:::: I'm sick...don't piss me off. If I don't post tomorrow send someone to post bail, please.

I feel my DayQuil kicking in so perhaps I can stitch today.


posted by Terri at 7:27 AM |