Friday, October 10, 2003
10:00 in the morning and I've already stitched for one hour and washed one load of clothes....hmmmm. It's dripping outside. I can't quite figure out if it's raining or if the marine layer is so heavy it's just collecting on the house and dripping from that. It does sound like a good day to stay in the house and do nothing but veg in front of the TV with needle in hand.

I've kicked myself in the butt and gotten myself psyched again about BFL. Enough wallowing.

The a.m. supervisor got her act together yesterday and almost had everything done by the time I got to work. Thank goodness. Some little birdie must have told her to watch out. Naturally what needed doing by the Ops Manager was cancelled because she found out that we would meet delivery deadline....sigh.

DH should be home in a couple of hours and I'm hoping we can get our shopping done this afternoon and not have to fight the weekend crowds. I've decided to add a stash cabinet to my list of needs today :)
posted by Terri at 10:22 AM |