Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Sunday...beautiful day all day long. We ended up taking the Miata out in the afternoon for our errands. I can't believe it's the middle of October and we're running around in a convertible getting our noses burned! I started reading the first book of Dragonriders of Pern.

Mondays....gotta hate them sometimes. I didn't exactly care for yesterday. I had to go to work, DH got to stay home and celebrate the only man in history to be worshipped because he didn't ask for directions. It was kind of slow last night and Jonathon was at work so I got to visit with him some.

I got up an hour late this morning. I didn't set my alarm last night and DH didn't wake me up. He gets up at 4:30 and I'm supposed to get up at 5:00...now I feel like I've lost time! The first thing I did when I got my lazy butt out of bed was set the alarm!

I did my cardio today and barely broke a sweat so I guess I'll have to bump it up. Shannymuffins are a bakin' for breakfast.

Gonna do some stitching this morning and then I'm going to look over my Excel stuff. Work at 1:00. Closing with Mike today! Woohoo!
posted by Terri at 7:02 AM |