Friday, September 26, 2003
I stitched for an hour on TSL "Peace" yesterday morning. Also did some work rearranging my office area. Nice to be able to take my time and get things done.

I got to work around 1:30 and 30 minutes later got a call from Jonathon telling me he'd been in a car accident. He drove under a big-rig. The police officer told me he was so fortunate and should not have been walking away from the accident. Jonathon refused to go to the hospital and so now I'm watching him like a hawk. Sometimes I hate being a parent!!!

Today was my UBWO and it felt good.

I'm off work today and will have to do some running around to take care of some Jonathon stuff, but I'm hoping to get at least 2 hours of stitching in.

We're now down to one motorcycle and one truck for 3 of us to get to work and school. I'm putting my faith in God to get us through this. He was obviously watching out for Jonathon yesterday and I have to continue to trust he'll take care of us.

I catch myself crying.
posted by Terri at 6:09 AM |