Thursday, October 09, 2003
Thursday....PAYDAY! I'm going shopping this weekend for a pair of pants, indoor grill and a couple of other small things. I'm going to look for some scrub pants. The pants I have right now look like BOZO pants, they are so baggy. The scrubs I can wear to work at my current job and if I get a job at the hospital (please, please, please) I can wear them there as well. Plus they have elastic and will shrink with me.

Ugg! I'm having an awful week on BFL! I just cannot get it together, or keep it together. Ick, ick, ick!

I didn't stitch very much yesterday and haven't touched it yet this morning. As soon as I get off here I'm going to get in a good 30 minutes or so and then get my day rolling. I should have already started, but see paragraph above...ick.

Work...besides payday, there's nothing good to report there. I'm aggravated about the a.m. supervisor. I left her a note last night about something I needed done by the time I get in this afternoon so I can get something the ops manager wants done completed on my shift. If she hasn't done it I'm going to pitch a fit. This will be the proverbial straw.
posted by Terri at 8:11 AM |