Saturday, November 26, 2005
The Ice Harvest
There are spoilers here so if you're interested in seeing this movie, read no more.
Okay, so maybe my sense of humor is different that Husband's and the other 10 people sitting in the theater but I did NOT enjoy The Ice Harvest. When we left Husband said he thought it was supposed to be a comedy when he suggested we see it. We both like Billy Bob Thornton, Oliver Platt and John Cusack so I was looking forward to seeing them together. The movie is about a heist and everything that can go wrong when you do this type of thing on Christmas Eve. I found only ONE thing comical in the whole movie and that's when John Cusack hits his head on the traffic sign after he throws up over the bridge railing and I don't even know why this struck my funny bone. Maybe it's because certain people can never catch a break and that's how I felt about Cusack's character.

There was the typical treachery and backstabbing that happens among thieves. There was the "ouch" moments when you felt pain when a character was shot or stabbed, but that was it. It was a very predictable movie and I wasn't suprised at all to see Cusack and Platt drive off into the sunrise at the end. I left to go to the bathroom about 30 minutes into the movie and had to talk myself into going back into the theater, then up until about 15 minutes before the end all I could think about was that I could be at home working on my Constitutional Law final. Sigh.

There are certain movies that MUST be seen on the big screen to appreciate the direction and production. This is one that could be left to a DVD rental on a 15" TV and you'd still get the gist of whatever.
posted by Terri at 4:31 PM |