Friday, December 10, 2004
I admit to being a procrastinator about some things
but I know I have not waited until the last minute to get my coursework done! Why do I feel like I have?!?

I just spent the last hour writing up a summary for a computer program only to discover that I summarized the wrong program! Right now I'm feeling very overwhelmed. AAaAAAaaaarrh!

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out!

So here's what I have left to accomplish:
  1. Due tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. - 3 summation papers for my computer class. Got the assignment last Saturday and I did all the research during the week and only needed to write up the papers last night and today.
  2. Trial notebook for my Monday night class. She told us last Monday that we were all getting an A on our final exam, and to only do a Trial Notebook for this coming class. So I have all my paperwork together, the binder and dividers purchased. I just need to organize it into proper trial notebook format and create a contents page.
  3. I need to study for a 8:00 a.m. Tuesday morning final for Business English. Yesterday, the prof gave us back all our tests for the term and gave us the correct answers. Plus she gave us 2-3 other study guides for the test. Just need the time to do it!
  4. Found out last Saturday I need to create a 10 slide Powerpoint presentation, with all the bells and whistles, for next Saturday's computer class. I need to either have music or voice on the presentation or I can "present" it myself. Haven't even decided what to do yet, since tomorrow is when we're "learning" Powerpoint in class. I've never used Powerpoint and am currently clueless.
  5. I need to create one more notebook and a resume for next Saturday's Intern course. I have all the paperwork and reviews for the notebook, plus the binder and dividers, just need to put it all together. The resume portion is where I'm freaking out. I haven't created a resume in 20 years! Yep, that's 20 years. I have been a government employee almost all that time and they have a form you have to complete. I do own Resume Deluxe, so I guess I'm going to go that route. Okay perhaps this portion I have procrastinated on.


Then I'm finished, finished, FINISHED for a whole month.

posted by Terri at 9:25 AM |