Sunday, August 08, 2004
When life gets in the way of pleasurable things....

I've had every intention of stitching this week, but it hasn't happened. I've also had every intention of keeping up with my blog and obviously that hasn't happened either, althought I did type up a bunch of stuff the other day, but it blipped on me and I lost it. I didn't have the heart to start all over again.

It's Sunday....carne asada day at my house. Husband is back yard at the grill, Son is nowhere to be seen. I've been doing some computer work for a yahoo group I have and trying to do a load of laundry here and there. The only productive things that have happened today is I got the grocery shopping out of the way and trimmed Bandit's nails.

The Rascal Flatts/Brooks and Dunn concert Friday night was awesome! And to think I didn't want to go!!!!

The neighbor from hell is moving! They'll be gone by next weekend. She did gain some brownie points with me last week. The Bandit got out and she brought her little dog out so Bandit would want to play with her and we caught him.

I'm going to call my new job tomorrow and ask if there's anyway I can start working a week later. If they say no, obviously I'll miss out, but I really hope they say yes 'cause I need some down time.

I saw a new pattern to lust after. It's Moon Fairy Spirit by Passione Ricamo. This is the first one of their patterns that I've even thought of purchasing. I just love the moon in the design and have been dreaming of a different type of fabric to stitch it on....but I'm on The (abstinance) Wagon so I won't be purchasing it any time soon.
posted by Terri at 6:13 PM |