Saturday, July 31, 2004
Saturday's Random Inspiration.....
What do you hope for?
What do you hope for?
Yikes! How do you really answer that?!? There's so many things, and they change daily! Some are serious and some are flip.
- I hope for employment that will sustain my family in a lifestyle we're comfortable with.
- I hope for world peace. I know everyone probably does, but I have a military husband and BIL, so it's a bit more personal for me.
- I hope my son grows up to be a productive member of society.
- I hope the idiots driving on the freeway don't run over me while they're talking on the phone and switching lanes without looking or using their turn signals.
- I hope my husband gets selected for promotion so he can pin on his last stripe.
- I hope my husband doesn't get selected for promotion so we can finally retire and I can plant bulbs that I'll see bloom.
- I hope my work and school schedule will give me more stitching time for August.
- I hope I make an "A" in my current class.
- I hope I get that paying intern job on Monday.
- I hope I don't give up trying to lose weight.
- I hope.
My list can go on and on and can be added to daily.
It's errand day for us. Today I'm hoping (here we go again!) to buy some new sunglasses, a couple of nice office type blouses, a pair of black pumps, go to the movies, do some homework and stitch.