Wednesday, January 14, 2004
I've spent the morning rearranging my rotation (as shown under "What I'm Stitching), watching an episode of B, an hour of LOTR and stitching on Haiku. I started this design last January 13 during "Guilt Free January." Hard to believe (not really) that it took me a year to get back to stitching on it. There's a sister design (Fuji) that I plan on stitching as well and am really considering this one design in my rotation. I'm going to have them framed the same and hang them in my living room.

It's so great to be back stitching again.

Now if I can just get my lazy butt out of bed and back in the workout mode in the mornings!

Busy at work.
posted by Terri at 10:37 AM |