Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I hate it when I'm not getting along with Husband. Remember the war I blogged about a bit back? It's still ongoing.


This morning we recieved a complaint from "neighbors and Lincoln Team Members" that "the music is much too loud and creating an annoyance for your neighbors" complaint. The thing is it's for "all day/all night" and Son is not home at night. Husband's comment to me was that I started it. I told him I would not have had to start it if he'd gone over next door and talked to them in the first place. No comment....nothing. Total silence. So now he's mad at me.

Of course I think this is totally unfair, since he's the military member he should be taking care of this. I put up with the problem next door hoping he'd do something about it (and yes, I did ask him to on more than one occassion), but he didn't do anything and by the time I took care of it I'd let it fester in me until I was absolutely furious over the situation.

So I've called Lincoln and filed a complaint about the timing of the situation (all night) and I put in another complaint with them about the kids next door playing in the yard. And yes it's vindictive. And no, I don't feel any better because Husband left the house before I made the phone call. I want to talk to him but he won't talk about least that's how he's been in the past.

posted by Terri at 9:44 AM |